HarmonyPad (ONEP) IDOs

Oct 21, 2021


Exciting times ahead with the IDOs coming up to the HarmonyPad…

Tier system:

MegaStar : Stake 2500 Points of ONEP

  • 61.5% of total allocation*

SuperStar : Stake 1500 Points of ONEP

  • 25% of total allocation*

Star : Stake 500 Points of ONEP

  • 10% of total allocation*

Popular : Stake 100 Points of ONEP

  • 3.5% of total allocation*

All tiers have guaranteed allocation.

Tier Calculation Method:

ONEP single staked * .037 + HPAD-BUSD LP locked * 1.125 = Your Total Points

We wish you great returns with ONEP IDOs,

Your HarmonyPad (ONEP) Team!

